Better organisations...

...evolve where alignment with the world outside the organisation is realised. Increased external organisation, understanding customers, service orientation and more awareness of stakeholders other than shareholders lead organisation to perform better in the long term and achieve sustainability. The other aspect of better organisations is more internal; the willingness of employees to perform at their best for the organisation. "Willingness" relates to commitment to the organisation, its customers and goals. In the traditional hierarchical organisation a lot of space for improvement exists in this area.

Improving processes will for a part realise better organisations. Involving employees while making strategic plans, realising change and managing based on core values will in many organisations improve commitment already substantially. Our way of working has integral change as a starting point which increases commitment.

More is possible though: with new and more participative organisational models. Self-direction of employees in all its variations (eg. Agile, holocracy, Semco style) embraces autonomy of employees and expresses this in alternative reward systems and behaviour. Interesting options are also strategic collaboration and cooperative models. These organisational models involve multiple stakeholders and due to their nature support joint interests better.

From experience we can support you with the design, organisation and implementation of these organisation models and further involvement of customers and employees. A clear vision, reliability in the relationships and a good business case are succes factors. Contact us to hear more about the opportunities in your organisation!

“Extraordinary things begin to happen when we dare to bring all of who we are to work.”
Frederique Laloux
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